Jumpstart your Business 

​Do you feel constantly overwhelmed, lacking focus and not growing your business?

If this sounds like you then it is time to get help ​from someone who can ​get back on track and ​the type of breakthroughs you need to get more out of your life and more out of your business.

More Focus on what matters, More Time for you and More Reward for your time.

​Jumpstart your Business will help you ​STOP:

  • Struggling to grow your business and losing clients,
  • ​Just about breaking even and not making money,
  • Wasting time and energy on marketing tactics that ​simply do not work, 
  • Procrastinating and not making decisions about the type of actions you know you need to take!
  • ​Feeling overwhelmed and not making decisions,

Jumpstart your Business will:

Jumpstart your Business will help you focus on what’s important in your life, it will help with your mindset, get clarity particularly around your business fundamentals and profitability, so that growing and building your business will take on a whole new meaning and energy, like you have never had before. A complete transformation from working ‘in’ the business to working ‘on’ the business.

  • Unlock your winning Mindset
  • Clarify your needs and wants
  • Build your vision and goals through focussed planning 
  • Identify blockages and growth inhibitors
  • Transform your business
  • Establish your Market Dominating Position
  • Identify your Ideal Client
  • Improve your profitability
  • How The Day Works 

    I will personally help you identify the areas where improvement can be made along with the strategies that can be implemented to get you and your business back on track so that you have a business that gives you the fulfilment you need and the income you deserve.

    Is This You?

    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis sed nostrud exercitation laboris.

    Who This Day Is For?

    • Start-ups who are through the start-up phase but are struggling to grow and attract the right clients.
    • Individuals who are entrepreneurial by nature who need guidance to get them focussed and energised
    • Business Owners who are success and growth orientated who want to re-energise themselves and get their mojo back.

    Who This Day Is NOT For

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    • Bibendum ispum dolor elit
    • Sapines ad labore duius nunc
    • Auctor ipsum dolor sagittis
    • Lorem ispum prior nunc labore
    • Bibendum ispum dolor elit


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    Howard helped us to grow through strategic marketing and social media techniques.

    Howard was instrumental in renaming and branding our business more in tune with our
    target market and helped us to grow through strategic marketing and social media

    Owner, Sports Equipment and Leisure Hire

    Howard is a gifted creative thinker and visualizer.

    Enthusiastic by nature, Howard is a gifted creative thinker and visualizer, always open
    to new ideas while maintaining flexibility and curiosity.

    Communications Specialist

    Howard is a great listener, methodical, very structured and practical in all his actions.

    I would position Howard as a Trusted Advisor who is a great listener, methodical, very
    structured and practical in all his actions.

    ICT Entrepreneur & Strategist

    Howard has great depth of knowledge and experience across all areas of business.

    Howard’s approach is affable, positive and professional. He has great depth of
    knowledge and experience across all areas of business.

    CEO, Financial Services Facility

    I strongly value his input and advice.

    Howard has a natural skill particularly in the areas of Customer Success, Sales,
    Marketing and Events – I strongly value his input and advice.

    CEO, Financial Management Consultancy

    Howard has a unique ability to understand the key elements that drive a business.

    Howard has a unique ability to understand the key elements that drive a business. He
    takes very little time to help you develop a plan built around the key strengths of your

    CEO, Manufacturing Company

    Fully focused on helping clients deliver results.

    Howard brings an alternative approach to strategy and business development which is
    both refreshing and enlightening. He is fully focused on helping clients deliver results
    and is both dedicated and committed to making a difference through coaching and

    CEO, Coffee Importer and Supplier

    Exceptional at communications

    Exceptional at communications, structured and organized with great abilities to
    empathize and collaborate with purpose, flair and focus.

    Founder, IT Start Up

    Investment Options 

    Payment Plan 

    Simple, fast and effective flexible move

    400*3 Payments


    • 1:1 Full Day Session
    • Refreshments and lunch included
    • Guide papers / workbooks
    • Pre / Post session activity
    • 4 Weeks Telephone support

    Book your ​1:1 ​Discovery Call

    Do you want to make changes in your life and your business – if you do and if you are serious about growing your business then take action right now by booking a ​Discovery Call with me. During our time together we will discuss your vision and what is holding you back and the steps you need to take to make it a reality.

    You will receive 45 minutes of my time and undivided attention (and years of experience). This call is about you, its complimentary and there is no pressure to work with me. 

    So what are you waiting for? Book your ​Discovery Call by selecting a time which suits you in my calendar by clicking on the ‘Book a Call’ link below.
