Client Success Stories

Results dont just happen - they need commitment and action - if you are serious about improving your results contact

Results Driven Success Coaching is all about helping clients get profitable results and real success out of their business.

Howard is a great listener, methodical, very structured and practical in all his actions.

ICT Entrepreneur & Strategist

I would position Howard as a Trusted Advisor who is a great listener, methodical, very
structured and practical in all his actions.

Howard has great depth of knowledge and experience across all areas of business.

CEO, Financial Services Facility

Howard’s approach is affable, positive and professional. He has great depth of
knowledge and experience across all areas of business.

Exceptional at communications

Founder, IT Start Up

Exceptional at communications, structured and organized with great abilities to
empathize and collaborate with purpose, flair and focus.

Howard has a unique ability to understand the key elements that drive a business.

CEO, Manufacturing Company

Howard has a unique ability to understand the key elements that drive a business. He
takes very little time to help you develop a plan built around the key strengths of your

Howard is a gifted creative thinker and visualizer.

Communications Specialist

Enthusiastic by nature, Howard is a gifted creative thinker and visualizer, always open
to new ideas while maintaining flexibility and curiosity.

Fully focused on helping clients deliver results.

CEO, Coffee Importer and Supplier

Howard brings an alternative approach to strategy and business development which is
both refreshing and enlightening. He is fully focused on helping clients deliver results
and is both dedicated and committed to making a difference through coaching and

Howard helped us to grow through strategic marketing and social media techniques.

Owner, Sports Equipment and Leisure Hire

Howard was instrumental in renaming and branding our business more in tune with our
target market and helped us to grow through strategic marketing and social media

I strongly value his input and advice.

CEO, Financial Management Consultancy

Howard has a natural skill particularly in the areas of Customer Success, Sales,
Marketing and Events – I strongly value his input and advice.

If you are struggling with your business and not achieving the type of success you want then call me on +353 87 2555 263 or eMail me:
